The 4 Best Eco-Friendly Yoga Mats on Amazon
For all the emphasis that we place on living a sustainable lifestyle, we also keep it in our mind to prioritize ourselves. Our mental and physical wellbeing is very important to us. We spend a lot of effort into researching eco-friendly and sustainable products. All of that hard work will be for naught if we don’t stay healthy to reap the benefits of our choices. We like to believe that we have done good so far when it comes to taking care of our health. There are a lot of Yoga studios here in Tampa that we’ve had the chance to checkout. The best studios in Tampa are All Y’all Yoga, Balance and Bliss, Sattva Yoga Seminole Heights, ZOE Yoga Lifestyle, and Lucky Cat Yoga Studio.
If you follow the health and wellness infosphere online, then you know that in recent times, the western world is waking up to a lot of the ancient techniques that have been practiced for millennia in the East. There is a vast treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be unearthed. Yoga, especially, has been a revelation for its rejuvenating effects on the mind and the body.
Today we are going to look at the most important piece of gear that you need if you practice or are just getting into learning yoga. Now, we don’t claim to be experts in yoga, but we do know a thing or two about the fundamentals. We have vetted the products based on customer reviews and our own experience with the ancient form of exercise. So let us get started with the best eco-friendly yoga mats that we could find on Amazon.
A word about TPE and False Advertising
You are going to come across this acronym a lot when you look at most yoga mat listings. TPE stands for Thermoplastic Elastomers which is a mix of rubber and plastic. Most yoga mats that claim to be eco-friendly are going to be made of that material. As far as we understand, there is nothing eco-friendly about the material. It is recyclable but that is as far as its eco-friendliness goes. We were shocked at the number of products that claimed to be eco-friendly even though they are made of TPE materials.

The product can claim that the TPE it uses is SGS certified, better than PVC, better than EVA, latex-free, and free of heavy metals but the fact remains that it is still a synthetic material that can leach chemicals into your environment when you use them. They even have a strong plastic and rubbery smell that immediately sets off our alarm bells and I bet you know exactly the kind of smell that we are talking about. Do you want that to be the start of your day as you prepare to heal your body and mind?
As a result, we have picked the products made from materials that we believe are truly eco-friendly. We have picked products made of natural materials which avoid all plastics. Therefore these recommendations come with a caveat though. You are going to lose some of the benefits of TPE materials like cushioning for your knees, flexibility, durability, and the anti-slip finish. We truly believe that it is a small price to pay and it will end up actually making you stronger once you forgo the modern conveniences. I can tell you beyond a doubt that they didn’t have thermoplastic elastomers in ancient India! So if you are ready to live with those sacrifices, read on and begin your journey to physical and mental enlightenment.
Ajna Eco Organic Yoga Mat
These mats are made from premium organic natural jute fibers. The materials naturally repel sweat and contact smells and will not stain easily. The mat is completely biodegradable due to its material choice. Also, the texture of the top layer is non-slip so that becomes one less thing to worry about for beginners. The mat is thick, roll out flat on the floor, and is very durable. It has been selected as Amazon’s choice due to its popularity and great value. It comes with a strap that lets you carry it easily over your shoulder to keep your hands free. The company claims to plant a tree for every mat sold.
Neet Yoga Works
These mats are made from 100% natural and biodegradable cotton. The mat is plastic-free and has no PVC, no DPE, no dioxins, no furans, and no heavy metals used in its production. When it gets dirty you can just toss it in the washer with the rest of your laundry! One special feature that we really like is that every mat is handwoven, hand-finished, and hand-printed over a month. This makes every mat unique and one of a kind. We really like the idea of owning something like this. It comes in 5 designs that are all just lovely.

Repose Eco-Friendly Yoga mat
These mats have a base made from natural rubber. The top layer is made from cork harvested by stripping down the bark of trees. The trees themselves are not cut down. This gives you the best of both worlds while sparing plant life. A great finish for the top layer and a non-slip base made of natural rubber. They are biodegradable and recyclable. No plastics, glues, PVCs, TPEs, or any other harmful chemicals have been used in their production or packaging. The mats come with a free carry strap. This is a great choice for beginners.
Yogasana Yoga Mat
These mats are thick, grippy, and are made from cotton. They come in 7 different colors. The company behind this mat donates to a noble cause. With every purchase of the cotton yoga mats, you help give back to a child’s education. The company provides pencils, pens, paper, and other school supplies to help the education of the children of their workers in India. It is really great to support something like this. If that wasn’t good enough, they even offer a 15-year warranty on their product.
So, that was our list of the best eco-friendly yoga mats. We picked these based on our knowledge and what other people were saying about them. Please let us know in the comments how your experience went. We would love to hear your reactions to these products. If you have any tips, send them our way too! We are still learning about yoga and there is nothing better than networking with a community of like-minded and excited people to help us along this journey.
Scooch and Steve