Top Shopping Tips For Finding Eco-Friendly Products
Surveys have shown that even though a lot of people want to buy eco-friendly products, they rarely do so. We figured that this might be a problem of education and awareness. We are blessed to have this platform to do the same. We want to use this blog to make it easier for consumers to make informed decisions. We believe that if you present all the data honestly then our readers are intelligent enough to make the right choices for themselves.
When we review the items that we like, we generally follow some ground rules that make it easy for us to vet and recommend those products. Our buying choices try to seek a balance between aesthetics and functionality. The general criteria is that if it is not useful then at least it has to be something that can spark interesting conversations. It has to be something that can elevate both the home and the lives of those living in it.
Here are just some of the things we look for when we are shopping around for eco-friendly products.
- Make sure the items meet environmental standards. A good idea is to check for certifications. Some labels that you will encounter more frequently are FSC Certified and Green Seal. They have different meanings as they deal with manufacturing standards at different points in the product’s life cycle. You can check this exhaustive list to get a better picture. If you are confused with technical jargon and misleading marketing speak then relying on a rating is a great way to be at peace while shopping. If a manufacturer seeks out a certification it means that they care about their products and are confident in its quality. The certifications should help you weed out the bad quality drivel. For example, this high-quality Printer Paper by HP is FSC certified.
- Another very important consideration is the method of disposal. Is the core material used to make the product recyclable? How far from your house is the recycling plant in case you can’t dispose of it with the garbage collectors? Remember that your commitment towards the environment doesn’t just end when you put your money down to buy it.
- You don’t always have to look for just plant-based products. Recycled metal looks rustic and mature. Repurposed marble and granite can look just as shiny as something brand new with the right care and treatment. For example, we love this amazing and stylish Cheese Board made from reclaimed Granite. Be a little adventurous when it comes to discovering new options.
- In case you are buying electronics pay attention to the power rating. A higher efficiency rating means saving on your power bill AND less wastage for the city grid. LED lights are not all the same. Some are more power-hungry than others. Incandescent lights are a strict no go if you care for the environment.
- This is a personal pet peeve but some products are just not thought out all the way through. Some ideas just don’t sit right with us. For example – an eco-friendly tiger print rug. We understand the rug itself is made out of eco-friendly materials but how do you justify glamorizing dead animal skins? We recognize that even though it is a fake copy, the disconnect between concept and execution is something we just can’t ignore.
- Some materials are suited only to particular weather. For example, bamboo is great if you are living in a warm and humid location because it tends to absorb some moisture and heal itself. However, if you are in the desert and the warmth is a mostly dry heat, then the bamboo will also dry out developing cracks and shears. If you are getting something exotic like Abaca fiber or mango wood, do some research about how it will fare in your weather. Those materials are generally imported and tend to be more expensive. You don’t want to end up with an unsuitable and pricey item. If you are experimenting, try out something affordable like this Hand Cut Concave Vase made from Mango Wood.
- Think of every room in the house and how you can change the items used there to be more eco friendly. A quick Amazon search for generic item name + “sustainable” or “eco friendly” will reveal a hidden world of options for you. Take it from us – Once you find a brand whose message resonates with you, it becomes a joy to discover and replace the non-sustainable and toxic products in your life.
- Buying in-store is generally not a good idea for eco-friendly products. Overall customer demand for these goods is low. That means that store shelves have fewer choices and what limited choice they offer is often marked up to make up for the low volume. You are better off shopping online as you will find more options that meet your needs. You might even find something unique that none of your friends or family might have.
- Finally, prepare yourself mentally to shell out a few extra dollars for buying sustainable compared to the regular alternative. As we mentioned, these are niche products that don’t tend to fly off the digital shelves. As a result, they cost fairly more but that is a price that you have to pay for knowing that you are living a life with minimal effect on the environment. It is a small price to pay in our humble opinion.

So those were just some things that we keep in mind when we buy and recommend products. These details are just something you pick up when you make a conscious choice to do better in your daily life. You start to look for alternatives which meet your new standards. Soon you will be on your way helping out and educating those around you on the benefits of living in harmony with nature.
Bonus: If you want to read more on the topic, a book that we love is Simply Living Well: A Guide to Creating a Natural, Low Waste Home. It is a light read that is written in the form of easy to understand tips. Highly recommended!
Scooch and Steve